Advocacy PoliTicks for Successful Achievement of Libertarian Objectives



Advocacy PoliTicks were successfully used to obtain the repeal of the Youth Curfew
Ordinance in Hillsborough Township, New Jersey.


Participate in your community by contributing your time as a volunteer member of the Rescue Squad, First Aid Squad, Fire Department, or other important Community Service.

Active Volunteers are credible, have knowledge of their Community, tend to be results oriented, and have access.

Whatever form of Volunteer Community Service you choose, you really need to contribute significantly and strive for excellence.


Individuals need to focus on achieving a narrow objective through advocacy.

Groups can help by supporting the primary advocate, or by becomming primary advocates themselves of related issues.


Become an expert on your objective area through research. Keep an open mind, and always be willing to listen and alter stance as you learn.


Ideas fight for themselves when their seeds are planted in fertile minds. Cultivate the voters and decision makers.

The internet can be a great place to spread your ideas. It's also fun! Learn by doing.

Some politicians provide email addresses. Hyperlinked Icons can provide them with direct feedback from web-page visitors.


It's better to prevent a liberty restricing law or ordinance from being passed in the first place by explaining the consequences beforehand.

Politicians are averse to reversing stated positions. Once they have made the mistake of taking an unfortunate position, their political extirpation might be the only remedy.


Tenacity is respected.

Authoritarian politicians often become overbearing when confronted with reason.

Don't try to fight every battle, but learn which politicians are intransigent opponents to your objective, record what they say, and make sure voters undersand and are aware of their unreasonable attitudes and positions around election time.

A web-page hit count that exceeds the incumbents previous margin of victory is a portent of success. Prolific ideas multiply and compete as they are spread by web-page visitors.

The insidious festering nature of a political web-page can automatically shift margins over time as it lurks unbeknownst to the unwary politician.

This may be augmented by forays into traditional media when a target is up for election.


A simple majority vote of the powers that be will achieve your objective.

It's not enough to bring a majority to embrace your objective, it must also be politically tenable.



The Youth Curfew ordinance was repealed by a three to two vote of the Hillsborough Township Committee on 28 February 2001 in New Jersey. Tired of watching your Constituional Rights being taken away? Get your Youth Curfew Ordinance repealed through advocacy, it works!


left button Curfew's effects

Eyewitness report of theTownship Committee's Curfew Discussion right button


Updated 17 Dec 22
"Advocacy PoliTicks for Successful Achievement of Libertarian Objectives or curfew repeal" Copyright (c) 2001-3 by Byrne.
Permission is granted for use of this web-page in whole or in part for non-commercial purposes as long as this Copyright notice and a link to this page is included. Links to this web-page are welcome after e-mailing the author at with the document URL where the link will appear.